Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Holy Hanna Blogging is Hard When You're An Idiot

It's been a week.  Sorry I know you missed me.  I missed myself - I mean truly how can I go an entire week without creative outlet?  Well the easy answer is Blogger wouldn't let me log in, and my ineptness at all social media doesn't help.  I did write this week - I actually wrote pages for my upcoming book.  I'm not trying to sell you anything.  The only reason I mention it is the limited access to my creative outlets i.e. Twitter, Facebook, and now Blogger forced me to actually create something.  Do you have a similar story?  I assume you do - tell me about them - or remain anonymous.  I know I was anonymous most of my life until a friend made me embrace the social media.  And yes when my Facebook page went live for the first time it felt like the entire world was looking at me and the ensuing panic attack was not pretty.  I ran around the house naked to calm myself down.  Well that was just for fun really, but sometimes it's nice to have an excuse.  So now when I'm short on time I use these outlets to be creative in short bursts. I am always looking for other outlets so if you have any please pass it along.  In fact we could hold hands and sing camp fire songs and share our life experiences.  Let's go further and start a commune where we can all quit our jobs and create stuff.  We could be an 'arty' commune - I'm sure no one has ever thought of that before.  Should I have put 'lol' at the end of that last sentence?  I swear that people can't read properly anymore (or write properly meaning me lol) thus we are all forced to follow these new social conventions so when I say something facetious I now need to add 'lol' so the person understands I'm only joking.  Sorry - little pet peeve/rant.  I am definitely not a high brow snob, but it bothers me that people can't judge for themselves when something is funny.  Like the T.V. sitcom laugh track needs to be transplanted into our daily lives because we are all too stupid to see the humour in anything.  The worst part is the Oxford Dictionary recognises these half words lol.  That was a sad lol - not a funny one.


  1. As your #1 follower i feel obliged to comment.

    That's all i got.

  2. Actually it looks like Michael beat me and is in fact your #1 this will be my last comment and i pass the torch to him.
