I am a contributing member of a charitable group called Canadian Artists for the Poor. I will be part of a project they have in the form of Art Walks in Calgary Starting June 4th. That being said I have been working like a mad man. Painting as much as I possibly can. My art has changed recently because the music I have been listening to has changed drastically. When something changes in my art I don't know if it will ever change back. My life has changed a lot in a short time. Most of it for the better. I miss things, I take things too personally. I haven't blogged in a long time because I have nothing to say. Everything that I have to say is on the canvas behind me. I think I might actually be becoming an artist. I mean I might be able to call myself that. Others do, but I don't believe them.
I hope that some day my intention shows better. I hope the things I've done wrong in my life, I somehow find a way to make up for. I don't know where I am going, but I just have my head down. I don't have time to be introspective. I miss you all, but now is not the time for me to come back to this spot yet. I am working, and when that dries up the words will flow again. Until then stop by my studio - you can see where my brain is at, where my heart is at, and where my life is at. I miss you...
In the mean time I will be listening to rap. Hardcore rap. Lots of inappropriate words screamed into my ears at far too loud a decibel. I don't think I am allowed to listen to this stuff, it is certainly not normal for an old white guy to be so into Drake, but there it is. I just wish he would rap words I could repeat out loud. For now I just White Man Dance my way around my studio throwing paint on the walls and occasionally on the canvas. If someone out there knows Drake let him know he's awesome, but the clean version of his stuff only has about every 5th word so you can't listen to it, and the unclean version makes me feel like I am going to get in trouble and perhaps sent to Politically Incorrect Prison, or maybe just shot. I dig it though - only a white guy would say that - see what I mean?